The sun is out, the grass is green, the sky is blue. Your friends are in for a weekend of golf, laughter and fun. Last time you played with this group of guys you won and the other pairing had to pay for the first round of food at the Oakland A's game. (Maybe not your situation, but you can imagine a similar scenario right)
As you approach the first tee, you notice some thing different about Tyler. He has more pep in his step and is more excited than usual about the round of golf. Was it the California burrito he just wolfed down before going into the pro shop or the prospect of a new job??? He volunteers to hit first, he takes a swing, picture perfect the ball goes straight and far. That is when you realize, Tyler must have found a new pain killer for his aches and pains, and been taking lessons to get that swing right????
So you approach your shot and hit the ball nicely but not like Tyler did. So you mockingly say "You must have found the magic formula for your back."
Tyler not one to expose his secrets mid competition, simply smiles and nods.
Throughout then next 17 holes Tyler does not miss a stride with this swing (the two puts help your chances though).
Finally as you return the carts you ask again. This time Tyler tells you about a new fitness program that has been working him through each and every component of his swing and picking his body apart and putting him back together. Not only has this program helps his golf swing, but it has helped him to get into better physical health.
Now the moral of this story: Golf is a great game and fun to play with friends...it is even better to win and be pain free!
Do like Tyler did and make a difference in your body!
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