Thursday, March 26, 2009

Golf and Health

The short answer is YES, golf can improve your health!
This is a bold statement to make but what other activity allows you be social, active, enjoy the weather, and challenge you mentally all at once.
  1. Social: Whether you are with old friends or meeting new people there is a lot of time to create a conversation on the course. Tell a joke or a story, develop and nourish relationships, HAVE FUN !
  2. Active: Even if you ride the in the cart you must walk from the cart to your ball, swing the club, and walk back to the cart. That may not seem like too much activity but it is much more than sitting at home and watching golf on television.
  3. Mental: I know the game can be frustrating, difficult, and spiteful ;), but most of the time we play for the pure enjoyment. Relish the fact that you are able to hit the elusive white ball, most of the time, towards its home!

Allow your self time to relax while playing the game, and again HAVE FUN, a smile or laugh at yourself can do wonders for your health.

When you are able to feel like GOLF IS MAKING YOU HEALTHY! You will be able to accept that your body may need a tune up or your nervous system may need to be checked. To have optimal health on and off the golf course it is imperative you takes steps to find the cause of what may be holding you back from OPTIMAL HEALTH!
But all in all Golf can improve your health!!!
Go out, improve your health, enjoy the weather and smile!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What is your reason?

At HIO golf fitness we believe that there are several steps of inefficiencies in the golf swing. The top three are
1) Lack of practice or experience
2) Improper Communication from the brain to the body
3) Biomechanical or muscular imbalances or weakness
The first reason is usually the most common complaint or rational for not taking additional steps to becoming a better golfer. This type of person is willing to spend hundreds of dollars on clubs year in and year out but not willing to dive deeper into a route cause of their swing inefficiencies.
The second reason is a difficult concept to grasp for many people. Some call it the mind body connection, being in the zone, or the psychological aspect of the game. It is the belief of HIO golf fitness that this part not only contains the mental portion of the game but also the brain body connections. The brain talks to ALL cells in the body. As you approach your ball the brain is constantly accumulating data to help you become successful in your next shot. Often times somewhere between seeing the lie of your ball and when you actually take your next swing there is a miscommunication. You may not even know that it is occurring . This usually has come from a trauma or stress in your body that has allowed your system to be maladapted and create inefficient communication. The best way to determine that is to have your nervous system evaluated.
The third reason for swing inefficiencies is muscular or biomechanical imbalances. This can relate to anything from pain to trying to swing in a two plane manner when your body is not able to get itself in that position. These alterations in your body can be detected from a physical screening that can determine the weakness or imbalances.
With the combination of the three inefficiencies corrections HIO golf fitness gets superior results.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Swing Efficiency

If you have talked with me over the last several months or seen me speak to groups of golfers you will have heard the words Swing Efficiency!
This is a word that the Titleist Performance Institute utilizes to describe the optimal swing. Not the optimal swing period, but the optimal swing for an individual.
The analogy that is used is the Golf Swing should be like a whip. Well actually the body should have four whips that build upon each other.
Why a whip? Well would you rather get hit by the crack of a towel or by a limp towel? Which has more speed at contact??? The whip of course.
In the golf swing your body should be a coordinated series of efficient movements, that rocket of each other. The peak or crack of the whip should hit and accelerate the next part of your body. It does not look like a series of individual movements, but a coordinated masterpiece. Yet if the movements are measured they occur in units!
So where do these whips occur the first whip is the pelvis (belt buckle), the second is your torso, the third is your hands, and the fourth is the club head swinging through the ball.
Okay so we have four whips now what?!?!? Well they need to occur one on top of the other in the order I described or else your swing will be inefficient and you body will be continuously correcting itself swing in and swing out!
And of course if you are not cracking the whip you will not be efficient!

Friday, March 13, 2009


In all walks of life there aer people that you meet that love the game of golf. You may heard them described as "fanatical," "addicted," "obsessed," or just "crazy about golf." Maybe you know some who daydreams of spending time on the course, hitting the perfect drive or sinking the impossible put. Often times this is the same person that has maintained the same handicap for years and years. Although their scores are consistent, they have a hit a plateau.

Even with their subscriptions to improvement magazines and the gambit of performance enhancing tools they still can make the leap, rather fall to a lower score. The individual falls short of their scoring goals and don't know why....

We look forward to discussing the WHY?