How do I add distance this off season? This is the number one question I get asked at the clinic. My questions back are how bad do you want it and are you willing to work for it. You can read endless books, watch endless videos, buy new clubs, buy new balls, even buy a workout plan but if it not personally tailored to you and your work efforts it just wont work!!!
So for those of us who are going to work a little harder to get healthier, stronger, and improve our golf game please read on!
You MUST create POWER.

P: Positives and negatives: You must strength train concentrically and eccentrically. This means control your movements on both the push and return. If possible create a forced negative environment for your muscles. This requires help from a trained professional.
O: Optimism: These few months of work may hurt, may not give the results asap but they will show up if you are consistent for 90 plus days.
W: Will: When everyone else is having that extra eggnog. Have a glass of water.
E: Enthusiasm and Energy: The positive frame of mind must include picking yourself up when you are down, eating right, and doing the perfect workout for YOU to up your energy.
R: Recover: You are going to want to push but take at least a one day rest every week and a recovery week once every four to five weeks. The recovery week is not a do nothing week. It is a light conditioning and heavy on the flexibility week.
Goofy Acronym I know but you need to add it to your plan, not only that you have to work the major muscles groups. The top exercises to get your POWER on are:
- Squats
- Cleans
- Pull ups
- Bench Press
- Lunges

Please ask a trained professional how to maximize your golf routine with these exercises.
On a side note you must also work on your balance and core.